Sunday, June 19, 2011


Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.
--Mark Twain 

Unbiased perspective. It's truth when somebody needs it. Brutal unsaturated truth. That's what we all think we want. But the truth is that we don't, we just want to be told everything is alright. In all reality too much of the truth can be a problem. I often wonder if people came with barcodes, and we could scan and see each other's past, most embarrassing moments or darkest secrets.

Would we be as judge-less, and unprejudiced as we always think we would be. 

If I never knew or talked to you before and I can see the worst in secrets you have kept hidden from the world, I wonder if I still would want to keep talking. It's a strange thought. I've always considered myself to be a fair person and I try my best to not judge. Yes, I have cheated. Yes I've tried drugs. No, I wasn't the best student in high school. I make minimum wage. Are these the things that define me? I don't think I want to be defined as a person, or what kind of man I am by my mistakes. In a sense this blog is my barcode. I've so far kept up my promise to give it to you straight from the dome and keep it unfiltered. I will do my best to continue to do so. I think that while yes truth is good and it is a very positive thing, sometimes the truth hurts. But that's life

So here is the sixty-thousand dollar question:

Would we rather live a lie, or live enlightened. Now put like that, of course somebody would always choose the latter. But think about it for a second. Ever heard that saying "Ignorance is bliss" well think of when you were a child. You didn't know very much you were ignorant of the world. Now I know this isn't true for everybody but my childhood days were mostly stress-free, and happy. As I got older I got wiser, and the more problems I had. The more drama I had. Now Buddha reached enlightenment and as far as I can tell he's doing alright. I'm far from enlightened so I wouldn't know. But as I said the truth hurts. I am accustomed to the more wretched side of life, and have found that I can take it. So I guess my answer is yes, I'd rather live enlightened. In my opinion, that's one of life's many choices. 

Have the courage to chase enlightenment, or safely live in the blissful ignorance. Ask yourself what you would do. Like I said it's not a easier answer, and only you can decide what path you can take. 

It's up to you. 

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